So brief background. I started investing in the USA around 08. Ended up in Memphis and with the help of a great mentor really got going in that city. It quickly became obvious that many parts of Memphis were terrib...
Hypothetically, would you be more comfortable being over-leveraged or under-leveraged in your investments? And what's your reasoning?I'm thinking the most optimal position would be to have a lot of leverage, but with ...
Hi all,Wanted to recap my first multi-family purchase experience. For my previous success story check out my other post on 5 SFR we currently own. My business partner and I have been looking at multifamily units since...
Hi I'm pretty sure I'm an idiot, but I'm getting slapped hard for it (again!)... I always thought that depreciating your property (and getting a tax write off for it) was permanent... So, a few years ago when I had a ...
After many years of analysis paralysis, I'm finally in a place where I'm ready to make my first real estate investment. My plan is to use my HELOC from my current primary residence as the down payment. For someone in ...