Receiving a cash out loan on an investment property can be a very confusing item. This post is designed to bring some clarity to taking cash out of a property with a conventional loan and help you navigate the someti...
I have been watching the last 4 months in absolute awe. Unemployment is through the roof, businesses are going bankrupt, most people are staying home not spending money yet the stock market and Real Estate market are...
Much of what I hear about wholesaling is to build a buyers list and go find properties to fill those buyer's purchasing criteria. In other words, be sort of an order fulfillment company.
However, 98% of property sal...
All,After doing some research on becoming a real estate agent, getting feedback and taking the preliminary exam courses, I stumbled upon a troubling number. "80%-90% of new agents quit or fail within the 1st year." I ...
I have a question for all of you BPersI am an active buy and hold investor and some months I ask myself why am I doing this again?I believe I do this because I do not have a clearly defined WHY to look to during those...
I know REI decisions are personal, I preach it all the time. I purchased the bulk of my portfolio between 2011 - 2014 and since then the properties have appreciated. So while the properties are performing from a cash ...
Given that there is such a liquid market of buyers online I was wondering what people's thoughts are on the commission paid to Realtors. A 6% commission has always seemed scandalously high to me given the typical amo...
I have had a interesting discovery recently. At the end of last year, I was finishing updating my financials and I realized that my networth had reached over 1 million dollars. That had been one of my financial goals ...
If you had to guess, what is the success rate in real estate investing? Success being defined by someone being able to live above average lifestyle strictly based upon their earnings in real estate.I bet its below 5%...