Here is a picture of a 80 year old home I looked at today. can see it is uneven, rough, ugly. The black is adhesive left from them prying up the asbestos tiles. What in the world can I do w...
I have completed the beginning stage of my first "live-in flip" here in Anchorage Alaska. We have fixed up a house that we want to live in for 2-5 years, and I am proud to say I am done with the "fix-up" portion! Purc...
Hi everyone
My name is Sharon and it will be two years in July that I have been in Houston. We moved here from Perth, Australia. Have no experience in real estate, but want to absorb and learn as much as I ...
Hi there,I am wondering if anyone could offer some advice on how to market myself as a new agent. I don't want to scare any prospective clients away because I am new. I have been working with a Top producing real esta...
Howdy friends!
My name is Tu, 22 years old and I'm from Westminster California. I am an artist, I can speak Tagalog, Vietnamese and English and learning Spanish. I got into real estate through reading rich da...
We just put up our HARD MONEY LENDING business and in just 2 months, we made over $1.5 Million worth of loans. I attribute at least 50% of that amount to borrowers who are members of Biggerpockets. Thank you @Joshua D...
I want to do some updating in my 1/1 condo before I get ready to sell it. I need to make it look better than any of the other units that are there. Most of them look just like mine. (Old) So what are some of the th...
I am looking at a house that has knob and tube wiring. To replace the wiring it is much cheaper if I demo the sheetrock myself. When you demo sheetrock, do you try to save baseboard, window and door trim, or do you ju...
Hi y'all,I finally got my wife to be on board with investing into real estate, and we are looking to jump into short term rentals. As NYC makes STR illegal, are people avoiding upstate New York as well?
Hello everyone!Just curious as to the perception of white, black, and stainless steel appliances in rentals. The area is middle class blue collar. Probably paycheck to paycheck if single or doing slightly better... ...