Receiving a cash out loan on an investment property can be a very confusing item. This post is designed to bring some clarity to taking cash out of a property with a conventional loan and help you navigate the someti...
What does the BP community think about 1st lien HELOCs as a way to free up equity in your primary home for investment purposes? If anyone has gone through the process, can you give any advice as to whether you recomme...
An article recently published by Redfin highlights the current working from home trend. In a survey it's revealed that up to 1 in 4 newly remote workers expect to continue working from home after COVID 19 passes.
Looking to hire a PM was going over the agreement. Saw this and it kind of concerns me that basically im on the hook for any stupid thing they do. As a General Contractor when i manage a site im used to being the one ...
Lenders are getting more and more aggressive in their underwriting - read this...I am researching a project and reached out to a friend who is working for a big lender. He confirmed - they are approving stuff that m...
A closer look at the 40 housing markets at risk of a 15% to 20% home price decline
Every quarter, Moody’s Analytics assesses whether local fundamentals, including local income levels, can support local home prices. A...
I have been watching the last 4 months in absolute awe. Unemployment is through the roof, businesses are going bankrupt, most people are staying home not spending money yet the stock market and Real Estate market are...
I posted a question before if anyone knew how to find vacant properties besides contacting cities and driving neighborhoods. Shocked that nobody responded with an answer.We find that only larger cities have these reco...
Read Ch 4735Get a lawyerGet licensed and do wholesaling in OH02 July 2014 S. MALY, Twinsburg, Ohio, was found by the Commission to have violated RevisedCo...
Seems like Rent control in some form or fashion Is gaining a lot of traction around the US.. Oregon just passed state wide.Washington some new rules.. California of course has had rent control in many cities for deca...