Most personal finance pundits will tell you that if a purchase does not produce income and depreciates, it's bad debt. They'll also tell you that you should avoid bad debt wherever possible, buying things like cars up...
Greetings BP community! I Have Been An Atlanta Agent For About Three Years And Have Been Pretty Successful... Most Recently, I Have Been Getting Anxious About Making The Jump From Full Time Agent To Investor. Any Tips...
Sorry if the below sounds like a rant but this is starting to drive me bananas.I've been looking to set up some asset protection as I have 11 buy/hold residential rental properties that are scattered across 3 states, ...
Good evening BP. My wife and I are very carefully and cautiously considering purchasing a rental unit. We've been very diligent about saving up for retirement and now that we have a good amount of cash on hand, I'm ex...
Hi, one of my tenant just move-in and I already have a long to-do list. For example, he wants new carpet, new paint. Complained the fridge is too small, complained the washer dryer didn't hooked up properly etc...In a...
Folks, Newbie here - so please be a bit soft on me...:-)I own a home (#1) in the Nor-Cal South Bay-Area - which I bought a few years ago, for a little under $800k. Current mtg is $1300. Property tax is ~$900/mo. Add H...
We are new to property investing and naively jumped right in with three multifamily properties. We’ve had them since April ‘21 & we are carrying the mortgage on all three as they do not pay for themselves. We’ve h...