Most personal finance pundits will tell you that if a purchase does not produce income and depreciates, it's bad debt. They'll also tell you that you should avoid bad debt wherever possible, buying things like cars up...
Greetings BP community! I Have Been An Atlanta Agent For About Three Years And Have Been Pretty Successful... Most Recently, I Have Been Getting Anxious About Making The Jump From Full Time Agent To Investor. Any Tips...
Sorry if the below sounds like a rant but this is starting to drive me bananas.I've been looking to set up some asset protection as I have 11 buy/hold residential rental properties that are scattered across 3 states, ...
Good evening BP. My wife and I are very carefully and cautiously considering purchasing a rental unit. We've been very diligent about saving up for retirement and now that we have a good amount of cash on hand, I'm ex...
Hi, one of my tenant just move-in and I already have a long to-do list. For example, he wants new carpet, new paint. Complained the fridge is too small, complained the washer dryer didn't hooked up properly etc...In a...
Folks, Newbie here - so please be a bit soft on me...:-)I own a home (#1) in the Nor-Cal South Bay-Area - which I bought a few years ago, for a little under $800k. Current mtg is $1300. Property tax is ~$900/mo. Add H...
We are new to property investing and naively jumped right in with three multifamily properties. We’ve had them since April ‘21 & we are carrying the mortgage on all three as they do not pay for themselves. We’ve h...
Hi All,My colleagues and I are planning our first real estate endeavor on a rental property. We are in California, so we are set on purchasing out of state. From those of your that have invested out of state, what i...
Hi all,Just thinking out loud here but would anyone of you consider sharing some equity with your tenants? I'm coming from the angle that I'm a lazy landlord who doesn't want to deal with maintenance calls and I hate...