Listening to people beat up on the young folks for having their student loans paid off. Look at this people born between 81 and 96 are getting poorer while the rest of us are getting richer. What this is really sayi...
Context: I have bad credit. My fiancée has good credit. I have proof of income. She doesn’t work. We have 20k in savings, we’re ready to buy. Question: What would you do? How would you actually go about making this ha...
50% of the new investors I talk to live somewhere that's not affordable as a rental market.
They want to invest but feel handcuffed by the high prices and competition around them.
I say "dude, you need to pick a n...
Lets see how much thought is going to go into this housing / bank bailout . . . frankly, I'm starting to think that the move to make is to stop paying the mortgage so I can:
a) Get "bailed out"
b) Renegotiate my loa...
We are currently seeking investors' opinions on wholesalers & what Value have they brought you? Have they brought you any value? Do you think that having a wholesaler relationship is a benefit to you as an invest...
Okay I am up late its 1am and I thought of a question for the BP community...
Is there a way for an individual to passively invest in real estate with minimal risk, achieve decent returns; for arguments sake 5-15% a...
How would you invest one million dollars if it was given to you free? Why would you invest that way?
By responding here, you're allowing us to print your name and response, if chosen, in the next issue of BiggerPoc...