Hi there,I often post for sale by owner properties on sites such as Craigslist, Loopnet, Zillow, Trulia, and other big names. I also find new properties through these sites.For out of state investors, how do you disco...
I can find company cash buyers in public records, but they cannot be found in the Google search engine. Why is that? I was trying to locate contact information like phone numbers and email addresses. Corporate homeown...
After reading some posts here, and seeing first hand during many-a-consultation the amount of money people are bilked out of by SEO scam artists and site builders who knowingly have no clue what they're doing, I'm goi...
I set up 2 websites (bought domain name through godaddy). I'm now receiving recorded messages and mail from Website Listing Services who claim they can enhance my website exposure (for a fee of course).
Has anyo...
Domain name vs metatag contents
I understand its extremely variable as to what degree each search engine uses metatags. Apparently Google doesnt use metatag recognition much.
So what's one suppose to do when trying t...
Hi all,I'm new to REI and Bigger Pockets so some of the REI terminology and acronyms are a bit foreign to me. Is there a website or resource that lists the relative acronyms with a definition so I can begin learning a...
Hi folks,
I'm hoping a web savvy person can help me here. I'm pretty sure there's a way to do this. My website is starting to get ranked but google is linking to one of my secondary pages rather than my home page.
Hi Everyone,SEO is a scary thing when you first hear about it, but it shouldn't be. After reading books, and forums from though leaders in this topic my view has changed. I wanted to share my view, and hopefully this ...
Hello! I need to create a website for my potential buyers and sellers to access. Do you guys have any suggestions on some creators? wix looks pretty good, but I don't see any templates where a visitor can put their...
I think it would be better to have this site more visiually. Make it easier to navigate