Looking for General Contractors in Chicago. If you know any contractors that do great work in the Chicago Land area please provide their information.
Hi not sure if this is true but is it a reference number for investors to inspect a potential property without getting a intruding or trespassing charge?
Is it possible to split a referral fee with another wholesaler? In the form of a contract?
Have anyone worked with Stuart-enterprise as private lender? Are they legit?
I just recently started reading The book on Flipping Houses by J Scott. I realized that this may be a book I'll be coming back to from time to time during my journey.
Anybody have any books that they find themselves...
I'm interested in becoming an appraiser in GA (specifically middle GA). Interested as in, "have been thinking about it awhile, know the education requirements, and want to pick someone's brain to gather more info."In...
Has anyone found a good screening service that automates the landlord reference step? We have a call with RenterFile today which seems to handle this. Has anyone used this service before?
Has anyone used Quickline Capital, out of New York?Thanks,
Good afternoon!
*Can anyone recommend a really good reference book that outlines ongoing house maintenance to-do, a schedule for frequency, and DIY instructions?*
I am closing on my first real estate purchase, which...
Is anyone knowledgeable about Wellings Capital? They have a couple of mobile home park, self storage and multi family funds. Any references (good or bad) would be helpful. Any better alternatives? Anywhere in the ...