When working with lenders, it is often required that you provide a personal financial statement including gross income, expenses, net worth, etc. For personal use, these should be as detailed as possible so that you c...
Hey Bigger Pockets! So heres my situation. Closing on a house may 21 but I want to back up my savings with a personal loan. Giving the current covid crisis was thinking maybe someone would want to earn some interest o...
I saw a short story of Robert Kiyosaki where he was talking about financial advising personalities. He said that if you are poor you listen to (name I didn't catch). If you are middle class you listen Dave R...
Hello BP Community! I am interested in investing in multifamily outside of Georgia where I live. Curious as to who is the most important person/persons to have supporting me in this, and how to go about finding them. ...
I am working on beginning my real estate investment career with a group of like-minded acquaintances. We plan to begin with turnkey investments and are forming an LLC to hold these investments. We have capital but wil...
Personal finance doesn’t have to be complicated. Saving, investing, and retiring early shouldn’t be a stumbling path to wealth, but many Americans feel this way. So, to clear up some of the money misconceptions, we’re...
I own a home already. My friend does not, but we are interested in flipping a house. Would she (we) be able to buy a house in her name with 5% down with a conventional loan, remodel it, and then sell in 5 or so months...
I have approached by Ash Hoss at New Western and he approached me with a Sell and Buy opportunity and l would appreciate any feedback.