I filed my first eviction in a couple of years last month. Today was the court date and would have been the first time I went before a judge in an eviction. Other times I've started the process, but I got my payment...
Wishing all of my fellow BP'ers a Happy New Year. Wishing you much success, blessings and happiness in 2014!
Warmest holiday wishes to everyone!
From Delray Beach, Florida
Bob, Land Rescue League
(...and let's hear a greetings from you too! & Where you're from!)
I just want to say Happy Easter everyone! And I wish everyone the best !
I wanted to be the first to wish all BP members a safe happy one. I've been off board for awhile due to spending Holidays in Cancun. Still, the best bang for your buck currently and wonderful beaches and weather. Sta...
Hi everyone! What is your FAVORITE and LEAST FAVORITE part about being a Real Estate Investor?I’ll start!Favorite part…collecting rent!Least favorite part…evictions!
To all
Remember those things ... and people for which you are truly thankful.
Or whatever is left of you 231 years following the "Great Experiment".
Hi BP friends, the new year is almost here. I'm sure most of us have set some goals for ourselves and our real estate business. I want to tell everyone happy new year. I hope 2016 is one of your best. Terry
It is 2106 and we are entering a year where Real Estate seems to be on the upswing. I was wondering where most people go to find vacant leads in Georgia and New York... Just trying to see if there are sources I have n...