Hello Fellow investors and Real Estate Brokers,I recently had a couleague approach me and asked if I could help with some finances, he is a great real estate agent and has a few closings coming up, but he was in a pin...
Hi All,I am new to Bigger Pockets and the real estate investing world. I wanted to know the best way to get acquainted with fair real estate commissions for my area. I am selling commercial property and plan to BRRR...
Good afternoon, I have an issue were a seller decided to hold off on the listing and postpone all showing until the husband felt better. They never cancelled the agreement because they didn't want to pay a cancellat...
Hey guys,So, since I'm trying to build my Cash Buyers' List with agents (because apparently this is the way to get top-dollar deals from both agents and those they work with), how can I prove to the agents that they w...
I’m getting ready to sell my 3k sqft house and purchase two condos in the Atlanta area. What questions should I be asking my agent about her commissions? I’m selling one and buying two I don’t want to be paying too mu...
What is the average commission rate to a managing broker for deals other agents/brokers close within the brokerage?
I recently found a home in the Reno/Tahoe area for an investor who does many flips. The ARV would be about $750k to $800k. The most the investor is willing to pay on the property is $548,000. The deal offered to me is...
If you are licensed under a brokerage who takes a percentage of your commissions, and are wholesaling, how do you handle your wholesaling fee/commission? I'm in Illinois and am considering getting my license, but woul...
Good Evening Bigger Pockets, I have been looking to get out of the fitness industry and into the real estate industry for about a year now. The question I have is what is the average commission paid to a leasing agen...
My agent says that 7% commission is normal in Georgia so as a buyer's agent her share of the commission would be 3.5% instead of the 3% that I'm used to seeing. Has anyone seen this before?