Listening to people beat up on the young folks for having their student loans paid off. Look at this people born between 81 and 96 are getting poorer while the rest of us are getting richer. What this is really sayi...
I was looking for advice on starting out in being a successful real estate investor (with no capital) years back and ran across a few people who gave some of the best advice I have ever received for that scenario: BE ...
I'm looking to potentially write an article on vacation rentals and would love to talk with some folks about their experiences with vacation rentals. If this is you, jump in this thread and let us know a brief version...
If you have cash, should you use it or is it better to use leverage if you can? So far, I've almost exclusively used cash to build our small portfolio. My goal for the year was to fully replace my current after tax ...
A lot of eyes are on the midwest these days so I thought I’d put an offer out there for all the BP folks around the country who have their eye on Cleveland, Ohio.I’ve personally placed a major bet on Cleveland as an u...
Just got a call from DBPR. That is the Department of Business and Professional Regulation in Florida. They regulate licensed and unlicensed activities. Their call was in relation to an unlicensed broker complaint I fi...
As you scroll through fackbook or other sites you see various life hacks about cooking, landscaping, etc. I want this post to be about landlord hacks( what are some simple tricks you use to make your life easier as a ...