How many of you investors that invest in c and d areas are blown away by how many folks in the area are on disability ? I guess I always knew there was a lot of people in these are with Mental issues and that fraud w...
Planning to get my first multifamily property by the end of summer and wondering how to go about selecting the right tenants. At work part of my responsibilities include bringing on new talent to the team. I’m usual...
Hello fellow BP Members. As a buyer and seller of loans (and real estate), trying to find the perfect note is like trying to find the perfect spouse. If you truly want to tie the knot, you have to realize that no pers...
Whether tis nobler to fix and flip to outrageous fortune, or to landlord and wade into the sea of trouble..... apologies to the bard........
I've seen so many references to "burned out land...
If you talk to a local you would know that Cleveland is very much a city divided. Us west siders don't go east and those east siders don't go west. It is just a fact of life, and for those of us who live and grew up h...
I apologize if this is in the wrong area, but I'm not sure where to post this. Another website said this might be a good place to do it.
I have friend who is renting a house in Minnesota who is a wheelchair bound 10...