Best Tax Strategy to Get Benefit using Real Estate for Youtube Income to offset YouTube income for a 16 year old in Maryland, Please advise what are the options available that can be used. Also can anyone recommend a ...
Hi, my name is Helen Black and my partner and I are beginning our journey into the real estate business. We currently live in Greensboro, NC and I am employed by Cone Health. We are looking to begin by wholesaling t...
BP Nation,From what I understand, the Dodd-Frank Act mainly effects the seller when it comes to a "seller financed" deal. Are there any impacts on the buyer? I will be targeting "100% seller financed" deals this year ...
I was thumbin thru the paper today and noticed that gas here in Houston was up to $2.99 per gal. for unleaded. My question is:
What are some of you doing to offset these astronomical prices? All suggestions appreci...
I moved to Sacramento California last year to build co-living spaces and test the concept in this market. I tried it out by renting a house I found and subleasing the rooms out. It was registered as a 5b/3b house for ...
I've been using Beyond off and on. I'm on the fence. I like it for a couple of weeks, it ticks me off because the prices are way too high or way too low, I turn it off and do it all myself. Today I think I've decided ...
Has anyone tried cold-calling from the phonebook for leads? I got this idea from my agent who does this to get listings.
I am wondering how effective this could be for finding seller leads? I would have someone do t...
I have been reading BP for over a year now, but rarely put anything on myself. Well I have a positive lead from yellow letter campaign and I am meeting people at the house tomorrow morning. I have ne...
What does everyone use to start and have a conversation with possible seller or owner financing? Trying to get some ideas
Happy Holidays! Context: One day while driving home, I noticed this house that appears to be vacant. The grass is dead, the weeds are high, the windows facing the street are all broken, the house needs a paint job, th...