Good morning, I literally just signed up yesterday to BiggerPockets. I have no experience and no properties. I recently have started researching real estate investing and I am really interested and have the means to d...
I have an opportunity to purchase land currently zoned and approved for 5 duplexes (or 8 SF). It is 3 miles from a university and I am thinking of building student rentals, (doing the 5 duplex option). My commercial...
Hey I am just starting out in real estate looking to find a partner to do a deal or some deals with. I live in South Fl currently, so just looking to partner up with someone or a team that I can help as well.
Hi team, is there a website, or something which has already been uploaded to BP, and which articulates the many ways/situations to acquire real estate? I am entering into a campaign to educate past clients, family, bu...
I have a question about wholesale real estate business where do you guys find acquisition people I been growing to the point I can’t do my leads by myself and want to start hiring people do you guys hire local or over...
New tenants will be moving in soon and they mentioned mounting a flat screen TV. How do you guys handle this?
First thought is to let them mount it and then deduct a reasonable amount to patch the hole (if its a g...
Hello BP-er, specifically those in the Ottawa/Gatineau area,
I'm looking for a good mortgage broker in Ottawa - one who understands rental properties, specifically in how to utilize different strategies to scale a re...
Can anyone tell me how to come up with a contract? I know that there are three different types. What all should I compose in all of these contracts?
New to wholesaling real estate, and looking for an attorney to make sure all my t's are crossed with my contracts and everything. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance, Sam.
I know how i do it, just interested to know how alot of you come to your percentage on here.I see some pretty high percentages, and wonder if you guys are factoring in the same numbers as I am in my equations (rent mi...