When working with hard money lenders, be sure you are able to quickly summarize your loan request. Don’t go into too much detail or explanation until the lender has decided to move forward in the process with your loa...
This is something I hear on Dave Ramsey. I'm not sure I agree with the numbers but I agree with the general ideas.
o what do the rich do every day that the poor don’t do?
Tom Corley, on his website Rich...
I do not wish to criticize, but I have found the Norris Group's postings (here and elsewhere on the Internet) to be long on theory and short on detail. It was claimed at another board that lenders exist for end buyer...
My buddy and I are looking to get into rental arbitrage with Airbnb. I've heard a lot specifically about leasing properties through an LLC and then using it on Airbnb. I know you can do it but unsure how exactly to go...
I'll try to keep this as short as possible (ok, just finished - it is rather long). I included a redacted version of my lease below a bunch of equal signs (====) for anyone who really wants to read into this.
TLDR: ...
I have a house under contract here in Omaha. I agreed to buy the house as-is with no repairs to be done by the seller. I had a home inspection and discovered a couple of repairs that will cost me a few grand. I had ba...
I’m renting out my home and had a IG influencer apply. She makes great money 4 times what rent is a month. And her W-2 reflects that. She does have one account in collections but as second position. ( was a co-signer ...
I'm interested in seeing what others are up to in terms of volume. How many deals do you do per year, and what methods do you use? It does not matter if your buy and holding, flipping, or wholesaling.I'm doing around ...