Any one ever listen to Lou Brown audio. I found a clip where he basically says everything I have learned on here about taking control of the first phone call with a potential tenant asking questions about stable job, ...
Hello need assistance on next steps with a 4/1.5 home in Browns Mills, NJ. Tenants abandoned lease and may need to sell to come up from under the ARM. Bourbon is growing!
Investment Info:
Single-family residence buy & hold investment.
Purchase price: $117,500
Cash invested: $10,015
Long Term Rental with Market Tenant
Hi, there!Tell me please, where to find deeds in Brown county IN? All i could find is, but it seems that it haven't been updated since 2012.Thank you in advance.
Hi everyone names Erick Ford, I am 18. Living in the Capac area of Michigan. Currently holding two rentals. One In Peck Michigan and also Croswell Michigan.
Thought I posted this but maybe I forgot. I don't care who you are, this is dern funny.
Here for your viewing pleasure (NOT) we have a bathroom circa 1964. Built strong and tough, but ugly and waiting for poop brown to come back in fashion. Other than ripping it out, any suggestions on a "accent" colo...
For investors out there who are interested in taking their real estate analysis and decision making to a cutting-edge level, I highly recommend this book. of Louisville's larger employers is expanding. Good for Louisville!