Listening to people beat up on the young folks for having their student loans paid off. Look at this people born between 81 and 96 are getting poorer while the rest of us are getting richer. What this is really sayi...
Hi BP, I've just bought a property in Rancho Cucamonga in California and rent it out from last year. Since I live in Southern California, the price of real estate is kind of high. Therefore , although I've already pu...
Romney named Paul Ryan as his choice for V.P. candidate... Personally, I love it, and think it will get the focus on the economy and solutions for America. WHAT DO YOU THINK?
Hi All,I wanted to begin a discussion on prenuptial agreements when bringing assets into a new marriage. I know this is a controversial topic, however I thought that the BiggerPockets community was the best place to b...
If you saw the news this morning JOBs report is not as good as anticipated.I dont know about other parts of the country but when I went to a Panda Express to buy MIss Lori some lunch big poster for hiring15.50 an hour...
An article recently published by Redfin highlights the current working from home trend. In a survey it's revealed that up to 1 in 4 newly remote workers expect to continue working from home after COVID 19 passes.
Do you feel continuously assaulted by the Columbus Mafia on BiggerPockets?
If any newbie utters the word Columbus, Midwest, or Ohio, the entire brokerage descends upon the forums with post after post. It's absolute m...