Listening to people beat up on the young folks for having their student loans paid off. Look at this people born between 81 and 96 are getting poorer while the rest of us are getting richer. What this is really sayi...
Just watched this fascinating and well-done story by CNBC on "What’s Driving California’s Mass Exodus?"
Now, I live and invest in California, so I'm definitely not a California hater. However, I'm also no California...
Are bad news, according to nearly every experienced landlord I've seen chime in on these types of threads. However, it seems that many newbie investors (some with even less than my three years experience) like to chim...
Californians aren’t leaving the state en masse — but they are leaving San Francisco, study says
Hello all,My name is Franky Davis and I am relatively new to real estate investing and a newish member to BiggerPockets. Let me start with a little about me. I'm currently an orthopedic surgery resident (year 3 of 5) ...
Mind Blown: For the longest time many people have posted so many negative things about banks etc. Myself included..... then I thought about it: Why tf would I hate a partner with virtually an unlimited bank account? B...
I think I am going to get my CCW. I have several guns and dozens of hours at the range. Given the fact that I am often meeting with people that I met online and showing a house I think I would feel more comfortable. I...
These days, you can't stay on BP for more than 5 minutes without seeing a thread about investing OOS in Memphis...It is absolutely becoming the new Las Vegas, in my opinion...When the music stops, and it will and it a...
Hi Everyone!
I have a 5800sq ft, 4 unit apartment building in New Brunswick, Canada that I bought a couple of years ago. The building is quite old and has lots of old/dated wiring that has made it un-rentable until i...