Receiving a cash out loan on an investment property can be a very confusing item. This post is designed to bring some clarity to taking cash out of a property with a conventional loan and help you navigate the someti...
Hi everyone!After listening to a lot of podcasts and reading lots of threads, I am very excited to be writing here!I am starting my research for a good turnkey provider. I am in the DC area, so investing locally is ou...
Hi,I have been presented with a very unique and rare opportunity to purchase the home right next door to me in a very hot neighborhood in Austin, TX. Because of this opportunity to potentially sell both lots to a deve...
A lot of these how-to guys seem to be not really liked much by investors I have noticed.
Hello everybody,
I'm working on a 2 bedroom 1 bath 1945 built Texas house , when I bought it I had the intention of changing the layout since it’s in my opinion has a very big design issue with a lot of wasted li...
It is almost daily that I see a new question or concern about Wraps and Sub2 here. It got me wondering just how many folks are aware of outcomes of some of those practices really are. It also begs the question, just...