I ran into this video which mirrors a lot of my thoughts about what's about to happen. IMO I think it will take a little longer then he predicts, but otherwise this seems spot on. Thoughts?https://youtu.be/ZFXObY99bXg...
I currently drive a beat-up old minivan with 240K miles on it. Yeah, I sacrificed myself to jump-start my rental business. I plan on buying the Tesla Cybertruck as my main vehicle. Recently, a thought came to me. ...
Appetizer (skip to the Meat and Potatoes, if you want to get to the point)I’m requesting specific knowledge on the red tagging process, permits, and inspectors to try to save what was supposed to be a new family busin...
Do you have a college degree? If so, in what field?
Has that helped you in your real estate investing? Or do you think you could have done with out it?
I am a firm believer that our path in life has lead us where we...
Hi Friends! I sure could use a piece of smart advice right now. I have a rather nuanced problem. Our home is a two-family, and we have a beautiful one-bedroom apartment at the side, where we have rented to a timely pa...
So, this is in the news now-days. Here are a few thoughts - feel free to jump in:I've often said that I think it's kinda naughty when people charge $30,000 for real estate education. My rationale is as follows:Real es...
I just listed an apartment on Friday. It's in a "D" neighborhood. It's my first turnover in over 3 years (39 months) in these buildings (2 side-by-side quads). I had **13** solid, completed applications (not just vag...
I have to admit - I'm borrowing this from another forum, but I wanted some feedback from our members.
What is the most inspiring book you've read?? (real estate or otherwise).
What's holding you back in your real estate investing career? What type of problems are you running into as you try to grow your business?This question is geared towards both new and experienced investors. It could be...
Do you have a question you'd like answered by David Greene or another expert on a BiggerPockets podcast? We'd love for you to contribute! You can submit your info here: https://airtable.com/shr2uOqeO...
Have you ques...