Making six figures from one rental property is every investor’s dream, but to achieve this, you need to choose the right investing market, buy the right property, and create luxurious “moments” that other rentals don’...
Financial trauma is an extremely common roadblock on the journey to financial freedom. In fact, most people deal with this issue on some level, even if they aren’t aware of it. Whether your trauma patterns stem from y...
Coast FI by 32 after racking up $20K in credit card debt only a few years earlier!? However unlikely this turn of events might seem, the truth is that any money story can be turned on its head with a little financial ...
Alright...I am going to post what happens every week in my real estate business. Why? So you will learn from my mistakes as well as get inspired by my successes. I also hope by doing this, BP Nation will help me ac...
Finishing a triathlon is a grueling achievement, only accomplished by those who are in peak physical and mental condition. Once finished, the top of the top go on to train for an Ironman, arguably the toughest triathl...
Financial fear is… a good thing!? Fear is an uncomfortable feeling we often try to ignore or suppress. But what if, like other emotions, it exists for a specific purpose? What if following it could help you avoid deat...
It seems like everyone is wondering how to find real estate deals in today’s supply-constrained market. With housing inventory still hovering around historical lows, finding a cash-flowing, appreciating rental propert...
I’ve recently come across the concept of “personal banking” through “overfunding” whole life insurance policies and leveraging the cash value to buy assets.In theory it sounds like a can’t loose situation. You have a...
A turnkey home for 100k renting for 1k (1% rule) would net you worse than the stock market 16 years later. I went back through my 1099s and calculated my return and estimated closing costs, federal taxes, capital gain...
Investment Info:
Single-family residence buy & hold investment.
Purchase price: $225,000
9509 Briarcreek Drive, Oklahoma City, OK 73162