Receiving a cash out loan on an investment property can be a very confusing item. This post is designed to bring some clarity to taking cash out of a property with a conventional loan and help you navigate the someti...
What are your thoughts on borrowing from 401k to fund first deal? Im still young so long term retirement is not a focus of mine right now. Besides, I would rather invest in real estate for retirement.
My thoughts ri...
In two weeks, I'm installing coin op laundry in a 9-unit building in Bath, Maine. I haven't had coin ops in any buildings yet (usually hookups or nothing). How much should I charge per load to wash and to dry? Mainers...
Hi! I'm looking to make my first offer on a triplex in Maine soon! I'm looking for help/advice/suggestions on ways that I might be able to approach making an offer in a competitive area that could increase my potent...
Hi Gang,Anyone interested in meeting up around South Portland to discuss Real Estate and network. I have never been to REIA meeting but would love to gather with some like minded folks and see how we can help each oth...
I am an investor in Charlotte, NC who ai currently looking for buy and sell and buy and hold multifamily properties. I currently have 2 real estate agents working for me but neither seems to be really "working" for m...
Has anyone ever told you “you’re really good at that, you should make a business out of it”, if so, you may have inadvertently found your “unique ability”.
Author and coach Dan Sullivan joins us to talk about the s...