Listening to people beat up on the young folks for having their student loans paid off. Look at this people born between 81 and 96 are getting poorer while the rest of us are getting richer. What this is really sayi...
What Could Possibly Go Wrong? A Cautionary Tale for Newbies and Not-So-NewbiesThis post is intended to share some observations gained from more than a decade as a real estate investor, and to offer some words of cauti...
I am currently researching the different issues that investors have with contractors so I can come up with a solution to help resolve the issues. Can you please take a second and just give me a line or two on issues y...
Here are a couple of ideas that should help you get started in the right direction and answer how you can do a no money down deal with no cash, no credit, no income, no nothing, except having some general knowledge ba...
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (January 30, 1882 – April 12, 1945), often referred to by his initials FDR,
Hello,Thanks in advance for reading this and any help you may provide.I am a note investor. We have one note in Ohio. We initiated FC. However, the borrower, just Friday, wired $5K and begins making $913 payments m...
There is obviously a lot to learn and master in real estate investing. I was wondering from yall's past experience, what would you say the top 5 skills/habits were that made for your greatest advances early on? To say...
I have owned a single-family home in West Virginia for 11 years, and have operated it as a rental for most of that time. I decided to get rid of it year and finally got it locked up under contract with a...
Wow! Where to begin!?!A quick background on how I got involved in real estate investing. I started a new job a couple years ago. About a year in, my boss asked me if I was interested in retiring in 10 year. I obvio...
I've been a landlord for a little over 2 years now. Had to charge my first late fee today. I want to make sure I got it right, since the lease agreement I used for this tenant was a standard form and it's not exactl...