Listening to people beat up on the young folks for having their student loans paid off. Look at this people born between 81 and 96 are getting poorer while the rest of us are getting richer. What this is really sayi...
Since the NAR Sitzer-Burnett lawsuit settlement, I expect that innovative brokerages will start offering flat fee buyer services. From watching Reddit and my area, it appears to be the case. Flat Fee Buyer Agency is i...
I like sfh's more then apartments. Am i crazy? Seems to me at least in my area its a better business model.
Example so i looked at i thought was a steal for a 5 unit for $60,000 but in a bad area. It would cashflow ...
Hi All,I’ve been in the waterpoofing business for over 12 years and have been reading up a lot lately about REI. I live in Bay Area (Northern California) and planning on starting my real estate investment portfolio. C...
I have been analyzing a 10 unit apartment building. I found it through a traditional broker not a comercial broker. Seller is providing scanty records such as no Rent Roll or detailed expenses. I have submitted an off...
This is VERY long but VERY interesting. Feel free to dispute any of the "facts " listed if you can. If not, start worrying, imo. Rich
The Wolf Family immigrated from Austria - Tyrol - in 1883 leaving behind one c...
I'm new-ish to REI, with one single family home purchased last spring so far. That has gone very well, and we are looking at stepping up the game to a Multi Family. The one I have my eye on is 6 units (two triplexes n...