I have been trying to buy out of state investments and came across a turn key company in Memphis. Are these companies legit? Do they actually make the cash flow they say they do?
Per the Bloomberg article, it seems rent for studios have dropped about 35%, 1 bedrooms 27%, and 2 bedrooms 22% as of November 2020.
I know it's been hotly debated whether cities will die out or not, but I want to l...
The story you are about to read has transpired over the past 6-8 months. There are areas in which I made mistakes and contractors made mistakes. This is completely factual, and, looking back on it, was a great learnin...
We purchased a second home in AZ and using it as a vacation rental when we are not in town. We aren't located inside an HOA and our rental complies with all local laws and ordinances. After we purchased the home, we l...
So my question is what is the real upside if there is an upside to buying property out of the country?I’ve seen a couple of posters that advertise directly or indirectly about different projects internationally. I’m a...
Ok, so I have a deep interest in helping people understand how to be successful in real estate. I'm an entrepreneur at heart and I would prefer to make money giving the time, knowledge, and experience I have to other...
After my most recent post on Realtor.com projecting Stockton to be the #4 metro market in the nation in 2018, I've received the same question over and over and over again:"But WHY Stockton? What's so great about it? A...
Has anyone used the company SEOMEETSREI for backlink services? I found them on the Investor Carrot website as one of their preferred vendors.
So I have been listening to several podcasts, which are all awesome and super-informative. Can't think of a higher yield source. (See www.biggerpockets.com/show75 specifically) and there seems to be a mistrust or no i...
Hi all,We are considering shifting our focus more toward STR, like everybody else :) There are a couple of Caribbean islands that are close to our heart, and that we feel reasonably safe starting out in. Questions as ...