If you make the right money moves, financial freedom is only a few years away. You can’t spend your entire paycheck on travel, trips, high rent, or entertainment if you want to retire early and have true time freedom....
Once you hit Coast FI, you don’t need to worry about retirement. While traditional FIRE may take a bit more extra work, Coast FI allows you to let your foot off the gas and enjoy life NOW, knowing that you’ll be set f...
Where is the Smart Money going? I'm looking for gut reactions (rapid fire) from those who have been in the business long enough to see a few of these types of cycles. Things have definitely changed. Some of these cha...
Just wondering if it's a benefit to me to use my 401(k) to invest in real estate?
If a plan passes where the government shells out a bunch of money to write down principal and adjust rates to get people out of trouble what will happen to the rest of us?
Lets assume that for every house that has st...