I'm getting ready to buy my first rehab property. Does anyone have access to the fortune builder software that designs complete rehabs according to specs including model numbers, appliance sizes, etc that would be wil...
I am planning on purchasing a property in PA from Fortune Foreclosures LLC that is a company that will renovate and then sell the house at a profit and then wire the money back to me. anyone hear of this company ? i s...
Anyone every invested in Than Merrill's fortune Builders? If so, was the information helpful and worth the money?
Does anyone have any experience or reviews with this website?
I am currently attending a 3 day seminar in Nashville. They pitched a "Mastery" mentorship for half the day. I've read that this 2 year mentorship costs 25K or possibly more? They handed us applications walking out th...
has anyone been to a fortune builders 3 day seminar? is it worth the money or are they just trying to sell me on another course?
I keep getting calls to attend events like fortune builders, Than Merrill and others which a friend of mine attended and stated that it was a bit informational but the goal was for you to purchase their program. Has a...
I recently attended a FortuneBuilders Seminar and spoke to a coach 1on 1. Originally they wanted us to purchase the Mastery program but it was too expensive. So we were offered the Jumpstart program which is costly as...
just wondering if anyone has any reviews on this course ???
its by Dwan Bent Russ Whitney
I checked out FortuneBuilders. NEVER AGAIN. The site hijacked my computer. It won't allow me to delete it. It keeps popping a window up asking for my locations. It's horrible. Anyone else had these issues? How do I bl...