Title: Navigating Mobile, AL: A Primer on the Commercial Real Estate MarketWelcome to the heart of the Gulf Coast! Mobile, Alabama, is not only a cultural hub but also a burgeoning center for commercial real estate in...
Would you guys agree that in places like Pearland, Katy, League City, and Texas City the vacancy rate is still 13%?I got 13% from a HUD report describing Southern Houston.
I try to stay on top of urban trends.
Rising home prices "decrease income mobility and ultimately hurt the U.S. economy," reports Nicole Goodkind in this article:
Jane Jacobs noticed...
Hi all,Newbie here. I’m going to dive straight in. We’re a childless married couple residing in Brooklyn, NY and are over the exploding rent and home purchase costs. We live in a fairly nice part of Brooklyn (thank he...
I am a licensed realtor from Staten Island, NY, and I am looking to invest in PA. I don't know much about the state, but I have heard that it has a diverse and dynamic real estate market. I am interested in finding pr...
The Unfolding Story of New Braunfels, Texas
New Braunfels has undergone a significant transformation, evolving from a tranquil town to a thriving suburb that magnetically attracts individuals from the larger urban ce...
Saw this story today - wondered if it affects the way we as investors look at our areas of investing. Do we target certain areas because of this? Or is this just more "noise"? My geographic area is more due to the p...
Hello everyone. I took an excel sheet I found online (from "Tactica") and tweaked it a bit to help track and compare different major cities/ different local cities by taking its population growth, labor stats, and ren...
My name is Jamie and I currently live in Sacramento, Ca but moving to Georgia in about a year. New to the game and have partnered up with a very good friend of mine and old business partner. We are looking to do som...
Hello,I'm planning a rehab at one of my properties in Maple Heights. The unit has a lot of deferred maintenance, but is structurally sound. Also, my manager's property inspection does not recommend any major applian...