What’s your process of finding motivated sellers? I’m a beginner wholesaler and I don’t have a lot of money to invest in marketing at this point. How did you find your motivated sellers?
I took possession of my house at 4pm today. Had a court ordered eviction. I furnished the fridge and stove, the fridge was gone! Criminal or civil matter? Has anyone have any experienced this before?
Mother Nature ... gotta love her!
In the past 10-days we've received 36+ inches of snow, which is above normal for this early in the winter (Jan & Feb are usually the big snow months). In addition to th...
Hey BP,I wanted to learn more about the marketing and searching of off market deals. My thought is to print a bunch of those door hangers and go through my desired neighborhood and door knock with a clipboard.Has anyo...
Hello Bigger Pockets family I have finally finished my 520 sqft tiling project. I would like to share with you all some tips that I have learned along the way. Hopefully this will help you not make the mistakes I made...
Call me crazy but I've noticed there seems to be a misconception about the idea of on-market vs. off-market deals. I've noticed it specifically in the Boston area - a majority of investors (and it seems like the less-...
hi BP! looking to see if anyone can suggest an inexpensive Wholesaling Real Estate Mentor/Program that is moderately priced, or just a mentor that would be willing to take me under their wing. im willing to work for f...
Looking to be a shadow with an investor/s, learn the ropes. I'm an experienced painter looking to learn the real estate game, mainly buy and hold.
I was just in the process of streamlining the painting process (when it comes anyway), so I started doing what J Scott does and gathering a list of paints I like. One question, to help me out, for you all is how many...
I don't even know where to start, so...Hey there. I'm Aaron, and 3 weeks of late night research on youtube lead me to a chain of channels and videos that has led me here. At this point, I can definitely say that I'm h...