Listening to people beat up on the young folks for having their student loans paid off. Look at this people born between 81 and 96 are getting poorer while the rest of us are getting richer. What this is really sayi...
check out this interpretation of the case-shiller index over the last 30 years. Basically several huge, long run ups, and a few short, minor corrections. Tricky and challenging to get in, but this is how you make the ...
Like many other real estate investor, I seek to buy and hold real estate, and enjoy the cash flow and any possible appreciation. However, since my target properties are lower end properties that often requires rehab...
If you missed my other post. I am new and will probably have a few questions while I am studying and analyzing deals the next few days. One question I have right now is whats the down side to buying mobile homes for b...
Ok this sounds horrible but please read it all. I just bought my son and his wife a condo here in miami. My son is a trader, he's 27 years old and he was renting a unit for $6,500/month a big waste of money imo. He...
Hello, I am looking at one of the last options in my price range of a duplex in Auburn, WA. List price is 235,000. But rents are only 1390 a month. We are shooting for offering 215 and counting on raising rents to at ...
I have been involved in Pace's Subto community for over 2 yrs and it has just become better and better. I was a little apprehensive about the cost because I have been in other mentorship groups which did not really de...
Hello everyone,
I've heard that some people will tell their tenants they are the property manager so that when a dispute comes up they can say the "owner" is the "bad guy" and not them. On the other side of the coin,...
Do rental rates usually fall when interest rates increase and home values decrease?
I have a background in architecture and a real interest in design. My dream is to flip houses, but I want them to be unique and thoughtfully designed. I love the idea of making something better. I watch all the flippi...