Receiving a cash out loan on an investment property can be a very confusing item. This post is designed to bring some clarity to taking cash out of a property with a conventional loan and help you navigate the someti...
Hello All,
I am brand new to BiggerPockets and find it to be a great place comprised of helpful advice and expertise. I am a landlord of a single family home in California that has run my property as a charity rathe...
What does the BP community think about 1st lien HELOCs as a way to free up equity in your primary home for investment purposes? If anyone has gone through the process, can you give any advice as to whether you recomme...
Well the moment that everyone has been waiting on for at least 3 years is about to arrive. According to many folks I trust (including members of CFIRA) Regulation A+ (Title IV) of The JOBS Act will have final rules p...
So we've spent the last 7 months looking at deals daily. We have run the calculator on this site to the point I don't even need to think to put in the numbers...but literally nothing has panned out. 5 cities, 600+ p...
What would you say is better than wholesaling/flipping for new investors just getting started?
Any tips on getting started while working 60 hour work weeks?I've been trying to read a few books, and start getting a plan together but I haven't been able to start networking or anything yet. I dont have much financ...
Looks like most of the reviews or case studies on Roofstock are about the closing process. I suppose since the vast majority of investors who’ve purchased properties from Roofstock use the properties as buy-and-hold r...
Are bad news, according to nearly every experienced landlord I've seen chime in on these types of threads. However, it seems that many newbie investors (some with even less than my three years experience) like to chim...