Results (4168)
19 August 2009 | 139 replies
Should we refom health care? Do we leave thing the way they are? Do we pay $800 co-pay per month and then bail out banks? Are we listening to our president or do we disagree just to disagree? Please share how you feel.
11 January 2015 | 87 replies
opps meant to put "FORTUNE Builders"
I just left the Fortune Builders Seminar in New Orleans, La. It was the free 2 hour seminar. I did some quick research before hand to find out how much the classes would be that ...
4 August 2013 | 61 replies
Obviously there are plenty of threads discussing the SAFE Act and how they impact Lonnie Deals. I understand that these laws may differ from state to state but my question is a simple one.
I'll make an overly simple ...