Receiving a cash out loan on an investment property can be a very confusing item. This post is designed to bring some clarity to taking cash out of a property with a conventional loan and help you navigate the someti...
Investing in real estate during a recession makes many people feel like a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. For others, it’s an exciting opportunity.
In my 30 years of real estate investing, I’ve see...
I am currently dealing with some occupants (who are no more than squatters) and getting them out so I can get in and start the rehab has been a daunting process. Typically, I get them out with cash for keys and it is ...
Hello - I have a tenant who damaged the flooring in several areas of my rental. The carpet in the living room area has a couple of large areas that almost look and feel like the carpet has been burned. Also, the vin...
I have been marketing my area and the leads are pouring in. There are deals I want to jump on today where a seller is willing to carry 25-50% of the property cost. My question is, who pays for the rest? I have heard a...
Hi guys,I have 2 SF properties (one in California and one in Florida) and I am having a hard time collecting the rents from the tenants.Section 8 pays always on time, obviously, but tenants are not. It started in Marc...
Canadians, especially those in Ottawa or anyone who gets property assessments through MPAC- how do you divide the value of your property between land and building for tax purposes? I looked at my property value assess...
We're renting out a couple of rooms in our house. I've been calculating and claiming depreciation for a percent of the value of our house based on how many square feet are rented vs. the part we occupy. That part is...
They’ve acknowledged the increase but have not Paid monthly increases or back increases. Can I evict tenant on this basis? Trying to get agency to move off dime.
Hi. Notes Newbie Question for any experts on Notes. Is what I want to do legal, is it a thing, and is there a clever way to structure such an instrument where it is legal?
PREMISE: a STR is net cash flowing $3,000 pe...