Should you pay off debt or invest? Many online financial gurus would tell you in a heartbeat that paying off debt is the number one priority…but is that always true? What if there was a way to pay off debt WHILE inves...
Signing contracts is a part of the real estate investing business bar none. Yet a few of us invest out of state which makes signing contracts difficult which is way we are dependent on emails and printers or faxes to ...
Hi everyone, I was thinking about adding my son as a joint tenant to a rental property I own, If I do this it would probably be the equivalent of a $30,000 gift. I heard that there is a life time gift exemption o...
We are open to any other advice for investors in Atlanta. Thank you!
The largest infrastructure project since the waterway's original construction, the Panama Canal Expansion Program will create a new lane of transit traffic along the canal through the construction of a new set of lock...
Stupid things Tenant Applicant’s say.
I had renovated a nice 4/3/2 and put it on the market for lease. Here are some of the comments from people who toured the property during the open house or called me from signa...
What would you do with $50K in a SD-IRA? Assume you wanted an annual return of >18%.