Results (3501)
Buying 7-Figure Businesses With Minimal Risk
12 October, 2020
Annette A.
brainstorm: own land what would you do with it to make money?
13 November 2015 | 88 replies
own outright 5 ac land, near large city (1 mile out), in a town with little zoning; can split the land every few years. Go. What would YOU do with it to make money? (admin: I dont know if this is posted in right catag...
Finance Friday: Trading Debt for Cash Flow and Liquidity
11 February, 2021
Buying Your First House with Scott & Mindy
28 July, 2019
Joshua D.
Contractors looking at it like there making me rich
23 May 2018 | 80 replies
So i feel and have heard comments about me getting rich while the contractors or employees do work for me which i feel isnt there business. They dont understand it and it makes me angry and mad but do feel exactly whe...