Results (4006)
Denny Robert
100% Down vs Financing - What does the bible say?
16 February 2016 | 25 replies
I'm having a conversation with another Christian businessman, and he is convicted that "the borrower is slave to the lender".
I know the arguments for and against borrowing to buy real estate, and from a purely mathe...
Kicking Off 2022 with Goal Setting and Live Q&A w/ David Greene
1 January, 2022
Bruce C.
Quest for early retirement
18 March 2022 | 90 replies
Well, after seeing all of Sammy B’s post, i thought I’d start my own to keep track of how I’m doing. My goal is to retire by 50. I’ll be turning 36 soon. If I can average at least $300 a month per door, then I figure ...
Saint Paul Church, Minnesota
Population: 0
Church Hill Village, Delaware
Population: 0
East Falls Church, Virginia
Population: 0
Burnt Church Crossroads, South Carolina
Population: 0