Check this out..direct mail rocks in getting the phone
ringing off the hook with quality leads. I think targeting absentee owners that owned there property at least 10 years or more) with a personalized merged po...
Has anyone attended a Rich Dad seminar? Is it worthwhile!
I am looking at purchasing a duplex for 100k. The seller is an older man and wants to do owner financing so that it will continue to give him income from the property and he will make a profit from it. However, the se...
Many people would like to invest in real estate but either they do not have enough money for a down payment or they do not want to lock their cash into a property purchase. It is possible to buy property with no money...
The increasing number of crowdfunding platforms makes it a bit of a challenge to decide which ones to look at seriously, and which to avoid. As an accredited investor seeking to diversify my portfolio, Fundraise &...