Results (3850)
Arn Cenedella
Buy Treasuries or Real Estate?
2 December 2023 | 34 replies
While the 5% “risk free” Tbills looks attractive………….
It also at least partially assumes an investor can time the bottom of the real estate market.
Perhaps one CAN time the market……….
I went to Colgate University...
Jessica Krueger
Whats your motivation in real estate?
28 October 2019 | 97 replies
What's your motivation in being a part of the real estate business?
17 Properties in 3 Years Thanks to “Non-Stop Rejection”
30 August, 2023
Brian Burke
Syndication Investing During a Recession
31 January 2022 | 248 replies
Investing in real estate during a recession makes many people feel like a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. For others, it’s an exciting opportunity.
In my 30 years of real estate investing, I’ve see...
The Surprising (Scientific) Truth Behind What Makes You Successful
31 December, 2017
The Benefits of Franchising vs. Starting a Business from Scratch
21 December, 2020