Lessons Learned from Real Estate Market Frenzy
This is an observation of real estate market frenzies and lessons learned from the viewpoint of a third generation real estate investor, developer, property manager, and...
Hi everyone, I’m currently a new investor wanting to purchase my first rental property. I live in a Suburb outside of Saint louis and I’ve found homes in the saint louis area fully turn key renovated property single f...
I have hardly been on BiggerPockets all summer because our market is on fire! I was busier than the proverbial one-legged man during COVID, had about two weeks of normalcy, and then the market exploded.I manage 400 re...
HI Everyone! I am a beginner although I've watched my dad invest in a few properties in NYC. I am looking to venture out and purchase my first rental. I am unsure if I should invest locally (within NYC) given that it ...
“The supply of available rental units continues to accumulate,” UrbanDigs said in its report, which looked at all ...
http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/2/3173f19e-5fbc-11e4-8c27-00144feabdc0.htmlA perennial optimist when it comes to technology, he argues that all that will change. Rapid improvements in artificial intelligence, for instanc...
I'd like BP Nation's input on your tenant's view of you (as a landlord, leasing agent, resident manager, etc.) as seen through your tenant's eyes. 'A' to 'F'. I'd also be interested as to the hows and whys relating...