Any landlords with some history with pets feel more strongly towards a pet vs the other? Say dogs vs cats? Does one cause more damage or make it more costly to turn over units?
New to investing and have a question on financing LLC owned properties. My husband and I bought our first property in May. Our plan was to rent it but now it looks like we will be selling it due to an offer we just ca...
*Thank you in advance to anyone who reads this because it is so long but I just thought I share as much details as I can..*
I placed an offer on a property on May 6, the same day I visited it. At that time, the in-la...
Hi Guys,I am currently renovating a duplex to house hack. In one unit, i noticed that the tub does not drain completely and leaves a pool of water at the bottom of the tub in a low spot. I tried to fix this by filling...
Hello All,In the past I have had issues with tenants applying to live in the apartments as a single individual. Later to find out that they moved in their boyfriend/girlfriend without written consent. However, this is...
Investment Info:
Small multi-family (2-4 units) buy & hold investment.
Purchase price: $201,000
Cash invested: $30,000
Sale price: $370,000
Purchased a foreclose duplex on an FHA rehab loan a...
I have put in my advertisement that I will consider a small dog if someone has a credit score of 660 or higher. I was told that is discrimination and not legal. Is this true?
Seeking advice! A gentlemen contacted me about selling his lakefront investment property. He had purchased the home 2 years ago for $100,000 from the bank as a foreclosure. He did a lease option on the home for $180,0...
My wife and I got a property under contract a few days ago. We just got a copy of the seller disclosures and know with certainty that the seller is lying about 2 things. After we looked at the property, we got a cop...
Hello all, I am fairly new to investing in residential real estate. I remember hearing alot of bad things about black mold (and other types of mold) a few years back. This includes properties being uninhabitable due...