Hey BP community I'm new to REI how i have 2 choices to pick to start investing 1.) A 3 unit with all 3 units occupied. -OR-2.) A 4 unit with no tenants but need about $10,000.00+ worth of w...
I love analyzing risk and figuring out the best way to protect downside.I've got a current deal that has significant upside, I am just trying to fully understand and mitigate risks. The current building has low rents...
I am entering negotiations of a portfolio of 60 doors across 37 properties. I know how to value commercial properties, and I know how to value residential. For the people that buy portfolios, do you base your offer ...
Specifically at what price are you looking for compared to Comps? I would assume Fix and Flips need more equity in them at purchase than buy and hold (rent) but maybe I am off. I have seen posts that say this property...
I am in the process of buying my first multi unit property and need some advice. I was originally going to buy a a 2 unit (Unit A is 3 bed/2 bath and Unit B is 2 bed 2 bath) in great condition, but was outbid. Th...
Hello! I'm looking at my second income property in AZ and struggling with multiple brokers offering me multiple deals that vary slightly. Some deals the rates are lower (4.5%) but their origination fees are higher a...
Good morningThis is my very first post and I'm really excited about this forum. A friend recommended it to me and I've just been reading ever since.My wife and I recently found a lake house that has a great view of th...
Forgive me if this has been answered somewhere before...I am planning on getting into real estate investing in a few years once I finish paying off my student loans. In the meantime, I am trying to learn as much as I ...
have since bought another and was planning on flipping but but bottom has since dropped out of the buyer market. I'min Seattle area. both houses were bought for about 100,000 less than comp value. Should I lease them...
Curious to hear how everyone evaluates their portfolio as a whole. What metrics do you use to compare your holdings (or single holding) to the S&P 500/Vanguard Index Fund?