The following are excerpts from an article on
"Rumors are running wild from Washington to Wall Street that the Obama administration is about to order government-controlled lenders Fannie Mae and Freddie ...
If YOUR party loses-How will YOU react?
This is NOT meant to start conflict! The below is my personal experience only and I DO NOT expect others to agree! I would like to hear others views and...
For people really concerned about socialism in this country, I think a huge issue should be the illegal spying by our government on our citizens:
This shouldn't come as a surprise, but new facts show more misrepresentations from the current administration. This is hard...
Today was President Trump's inauguration. The administration wasted no time and has halted one of Obama's last minute legislations to cute PMI rates. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Trump is pro-real estate? Is...
Seriously it was a photo op!
Yet further evidence of this administration's utter lack of incompetence and common sense.
a he...
Not reported by Limbaugh, Fox News or Hannity....
This is ABC. Very, very interesting.
I'm all for fiscal conservatism (I really am), but those in power who have claimed to be fiscally conservative appear to either be lying or not very competent:
Yet more TSA harassment. This time the harass a woman who requested her breast milk to be screened through the alternative screening methods that the TSA itself advertises. Well they aren't gonna stand for that kind o...