What is the worst case scenario when using a hard money lender. For instance if you purchase a property it cash flows $300 and then the market heads south. Now your cash flow is negative and you can't keep up with mor...
I recently filed a Special Civils part for non payment of rent for monetary judgement for my tenant. She hired a cheap lawyer who responded to the Summons. However, he incorrectly filed the form and was sent a Deficie...
When doing a short sale, what would be better for the distressed seller to do (better for THEIR financial future, not the investors) -- get a 1099 from the lender now, or deal with the deficiency later?
It always de...
Hello CTC,
I have a concern. I recently had a short sale approved in California through B of A and the buyer wants to close asap. I got a letter from B of A stating "BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP...
I purchased a property about six months ago that went through a three piecemeal inspections with a home inspection firm. Each home inspection didn't cover the entire house, but only portions of the house they were ab...
Hi All,
Our tenant's lease requires a 60 days notice, she only gave 30 days notice, and we immediately started advertising the property and were able to secure a tenant fairly quickly where her lease ends on June 30,...
I pulled this statement off of this forum: "Also, a little known fact, is the lender could actually report to the credit bureau's as the loan being paid for less or settled for less. If a lender reports the loan on yo...
Working with BOA on a Short Sale and have several others just getting off the ground...
My question is...What is the likelyhood and legalities in Iowa in reference to Deficiency Judgements? I've called the State but...
Just got approval for short sale. I owe $200K on beach property and have an offer for $90K. In the short sale agreement it states that the lender or its investors may pursue a deficiency judgement for the difference...
Hi All. I have a seller who doesn't want to go through the process of short selling two abandoned investment properties because they don't want to get a 1099 from the lender and pay taxes on the forgiven debt.