A housing bubble is a run-up in housing prices fueled by demand, speculation and exuberance. ... Speculators enter the market, further driving demand. At some point, demand decreases or stagnates at the same time supp...
Forgive me if this has been posted before. A search didn't find anything. As you probably know, the Democrats in the House passed the Hereos Act, A part of this bill calls for a Federal Ban on evictions of any residen...
Are you prepared to do what it takes to SURVIVE this business?Are you REALLY prepared to make those tough calls?Can you push emotion to the side for the betterment of your business?Are you willing to do EVERYTHING in ...
Hi all! We have a really hard time finding a general contractor for our repair project in a buy & hold SFH in Kansas City, MO. We hired a property manager after purchasing the house and both contractors they sent ...
Hey everyone ive been hearing about and researching VELOCITY BANKING alot lately. Seems too good to be true. Any of you experts have experience in this field and can confirm or deny? Thanks everyone!Nick
I am generally not a fan of wholesalers. I find the majority of them to have low repair costs and high ARV. I see way too much daisy chaining. But...the good ones are fantastic. The good ones use some or all of these ...