I've been contacting NJ housing for rent and FSBO ads on Craigslist. I'm finding many sellers don't know, are unaware, or confused by what a rent to own, lease with the option to buy is.
Any suggestions on a simple...
I just learned today that many times if a SELER on a lease option deal leases their house out on a option to an investor., is now NOT in the POSITION to QUALIFY for a new MORTGAGE on a new house he can move into.I ...
Sometimes you have a fabulous property that you love flipping. Sometimes you’ve got a project that drags on and on, but you know the return will be worth it in the end. And sometimes you’re faced with a choice: is it ...
I think I may be on to something. I need you guys to do everything in your power to convince me that I am not and that this is all crazy... I say that tongue in cheek. A lot to share and I'll be as concise as possibl...
I have a potential seller who wants out of their mortgage. I was trying to decide if it would be a good idea to get the banks approval for me to do a sub2 deal with the owner of the property? If I don't, I'm afraid on...
What is the best target list for lease options prospects should I foucus on a list of owner occupants for my direct mail campainge
I have a 2 properties for sale, see market place. I have gotten 4 phone calls this week from people who want to lease my property with an option and sub-let it? None of them are local or know the area. They said th...
Hey guys I have been reviewing a few mortgage lenders online and trying to see which are the best. I am rebuilding credit and just under 600 and just needed advice on which lenders would still help or where to go to g...
I am under contract on a townhouse that should rent for $1200 - $1300 a month. The kitchen is in fair condition (50 yr old, lower end cabinets, laminate counter tops and low end older appliances). I got a detailed est...
Hi, just trying to weigh pros and cons of different exit strategies on a SFR I own. It is financed and I have tenants who are one year into a two year lease. They are good tenants and I am in no rush to sell, but I ...