Hello, my name is Georgui Kasaev I am an investor and I live in Athens Georgia. I have been immersing my self in everything to do with real estate for the last year and it has been a blast. On 12/30/17 I started my 75...
We are under contract on a side by side duplex near our hometown in Ohio. We just found out that we are inheriting the sweetest 80 year old tenant who has lived in the place for 20 years. Market rent is $950+. This li...
I recently came across a new strategy that I don't quite understand and it sounds too good to be true. The principal is simple. Use your heloc to pay your mortgage and funnel all your funds in and out of it like a che...
Has anyone ever worked with the hard money lender Xpress Loans 911?
Hey guys my name is George Yu and I love passive real estate. The idea of investing into something and then collecting mailbox money whether you feel like working or not is like having your own golden chicken as long ...
When times are hard and you need money IMMEDIATELY like right at that very moment and you have no where and no one else to turn to get that money, where do you get money to get you out of a bad situation? Wholesali...
I'm a new board member of an HOA. The President of the Board is not fulfilling his duties, yet he is a majority owner of the building and is the permanent President of the Board. He is refusing to cooperate with othe...
Some Perspective... 0.15%
That's the percent of American people who have Covid-19 at the time of this writing. NOT even 1% of the total population.
Suppose the disease were to quadruple before this is over, that w...
I'd like to hear from anyone investing or invested in the Cleveland rental market. I'm looking into purchasing a duplex or two in the Cleveland area for long term rentals.
Hello BP! I am an Active Duty Army Staff Sergeant (E-6) currently at 9 years 5 months Time In Service with 10 months left of Active Duty service. This will put me at exactly 10 years 2 months TIS. I am struggling w...