is it necessary to set up LLC for our flipping house business? for investing?
for what reason ..why need to set up LLC first?
where can i obtain LLC?
How big of a role does the age of an available property play in your decision making when deciding whether or not to proceed? Where does it fall in importance (i.e. cash flow is more important than age but central ai...
I'm currently transitioning from the military; I'm stationed in Indiana right now and thinking about taking the real estate exam here. The sticky part is that once I'm completely out of the Army, I don't know where I ...
I’ve read that those commercial real estate agents (CRE) with the Certified commercial investment member (CCIM) designator earn considerably more than those without it. How important/ impactful is this designation? T...
I found that in the Greater LA Area, in a given neighborhood or community, house price is usually determined by two factors: (1) the square footage of the house and (2) the condition of the house. Lot size has some im...
Hi everyone! I've been on here for a little bit now (about 2 months) but never introduced myself yet because I didn't really see the need...until now. I discovered that when I put in towns near me to search on the sit...
I’m a newbie. A friend suggested setting the high school rating above 7 in the Redfin search engine, along with other filters, for my house search. This is to ensure I’m buying a property in a good neighborhood a...
There is a multifamily property we are interested in seeing being offered by what looks like a single owner realtor/investor/property management company. Going by the price and the description, this property will nee...
I want to start flipping houses but I’m curious about what I should in for insurance. Since I’ll only be owning these properties for a short time should I even get insurance? And if so what type and what does it go fo...
I'm getting ready to start doing some direct mail marketing and want to set up a lead capture/generation page. I already have a website for my business that I could modify for this purpose. Or should I set up separa...