Results (2523)
Kyle Scholnick
Does Anyone Own ALL turnkey??
28 October 2016 | 241 replies
I know there are many people who like to get their feet wet with turnkey, but does anyone actually own ALL turnkeys? Does anyone own 30 turnkey properties? Can anyone actually speak up that owns nothing but turnkey an...
Keri A.
Is fortune builders mastery program legit?
10 November 2019 | 316 replies
I attended the 3day FB seminar in Houston. I thought it was really good! I am considering doing the mastery program. Has anyone been through the program? If so, is it worth the 25k?
David Song
Why to avoid < 50 k properties
2 July 2018 | 338 replies
If a house sells 50 k and rent for 1000, it meets 2% rule. But actually I think it is not necessarily a good investment.
Assuming SFR, 1500 sf, 3 be 2 ba, in small Midwest town. Move on ready. 30 years old. No renov...